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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

Thursday, June 26, 2014
Fugro Survey Vessel Begins Mapping Ocean Floor in Search for MH370
Maritime News

Fugro Survey Vessel Begins Mapping Ocean Floor in Search for MH370

Dutch engineers this week started a months-long survey to map unchartered deep-sea terrain at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the next step in the search for

June 26, 2014
Total Views: 74

Thursday, June 19, 2014
Fugro Survey Vessel Joins Search for Flight MH370
Maritime News

Fugro Survey Vessel Joins Search for Flight MH370

Dutch engineers this week started a months-long survey to map unchartered deep-sea terrain at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, the next step in the search for

June 19, 2014
Total Views: 37

Wednesday, May 28, 2014
U.S. Navy Official Says “Pings” Unlikely From Missing Malaysia Jet – Report

U.S. Navy Official Says “Pings” Unlikely From Missing Malaysia Jet – Report

A U.S. Navy official said four acoustic pings at the center of the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared in March, are no longer

May 28, 2014
Total Views: 5

Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Inmarsat Releases MH370 Satellite Data

Inmarsat Releases MH370 Satellite Data

Malaysia's government and British satellite firm Inmarsat on Tuesday released data used to determine the path of missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370,

May 27, 2014
Total Views: 1196

Saturday, April 19, 2014
Search for MH370: AUV May Complete Mission Next Week
Maritime News

Search for MH370: AUV May Complete Mission Next Week

An unmanned submarine on its seventh dive for the missing Flight MH370 may complete its mission in the southern Indian Ocean within a week, said the Australian

April 19, 2014
Total Views: 1

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
AUV Aborts Subsea Search for Flight MH370

AUV Aborts Subsea Search for Flight MH370

A submarine scouring the floor of the Indian Ocean for the missing Malaysian jet had to abort its maiden voyage after descending too deep, providing

April 15, 2014
Total Views: 13

Friday, April 11, 2014
Australia Narrows ‘Pinger’ Search for MH370 to Within Kilometers
Maritime News

Australia Narrows ‘Pinger’ Search for MH370 to Within Kilometers

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said he’s confident crews hunting for the missing Malaysian jet have narrowed down the location of its black box to

April 11, 2014
Total Views: 19

Thursday, April 10, 2014
Maritime News

Australian Plane Hears Signal After Ship Captures Pings

An Australian search plane picked up a transmission around the area where a ship previously heard pings, a day after investigators expressed optimism they can

April 10, 2014
Total Views: 21

Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Black Box Pinger’s Signature Is Unmistakable to Trained Ears
Maritime News

Black Box Pinger’s Signature Is Unmistakable to Trained Ears

Alan Levin and Thomas Black April 8 (Bloomberg) — Aircraft black-box pingers, like those from the missing Malaysian jetliner lying somewhere in the

April 8, 2014
Total Views: 34

Friday, April 4, 2014
Search for MH370 Extends Beneath the Surface
Maritime News

Search for MH370 Extends Beneath the Surface

By Jason Scott April 5 (Bloomberg) — Crews hunting for the missing Malaysian jet are extending the search to beneath the surface of the Indian Ocean,

April 4, 2014
Total Views: 5

Monday, March 31, 2014
Ship With Black Box Detector Joins Search For MH370 – UPDATE
Maritime News

Ship With Black Box Detector Joins Search For MH370 – UPDATE

The Australian vessel Ocean Shield is scheduled to depart today to search for Malaysian Air Flight 370 after being fitted with an autonomous underwater vehicle

March 31, 2014
Total Views: 7

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Ships Recover Unidentified Objects in MH370 Search Area

Ships Recover Unidentified Objects in MH370 Search Area

Australian and Chinese ships recovered unidentified objects from the Indian Ocean as planes spotted more items in the search for Malaysian Air Flight

March 29, 2014
Total Views: 78

Friday, March 28, 2014
Objects Spotted After MH370 Search Shifts North
Maritime News

Objects Spotted After MH370 Search Shifts North

The hunt for Malaysian Air Flight 370 shifted focus for the third time in as many weeks after new analysis indicated the plane could have gone down hundreds of

March 28, 2014
Total Views: 5

Thursday, March 27, 2014
China Showcases Rising Maritime Capabilities in Search for Missing Jet
Maritime News

China Showcases Rising Maritime Capabilities in Search for Missing Jet

China, in the midst of a military buildup challenging the U.S. and Japan, is showcasing its expanded capabilities in the search for Malaysia’s missing plane

March 27, 2014
Total Views: 21

New Satellite Images Provide New Leads in Search for MH370

New Satellite Images Provide New Leads in Search for MH370

Thai satellite images of more than 300 objects in the south Indian Ocean produced another lead in the hunt for Malaysian Air Flight 370, with Japanese

March 27, 2014
Total Views: 8

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Video: Ship Hits Rough Seas NOT in Search of Flight MH370 – UPDATE

Video: Ship Hits Rough Seas NOT in Search of Flight MH370 – UPDATE

Update: And you guys cracked the case once again. Turns out this video is not from the search, rather it was filmed in January 2013 aboard the LPG carrier

March 26, 2014
Total Views: 209

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
How Inmarsat Used Satellite Data and Physics to Track Flight MH370 to Southern Indian Ocean

How Inmarsat Used Satellite Data and Physics to Track Flight MH370 to Southern Indian Ocean

ritain's Inmarsat used a wave phenomenon discovered in the nineteenth century to analyse the seven pings its satellite picked up from Malaysia Airlines Flight

March 25, 2014
Total Views: 392

Monday, March 24, 2014
Malaysian PM: Flight MH370 ‘Ended’ in Southern Indian Ocean
Maritime News

Malaysian PM: Flight MH370 ‘Ended’ in Southern Indian Ocean

Citing an analysis of data from satellite provider Inmarsat Plc, Malaysia has concluded that flight MH370 crashed in the southern Indian

March 24, 2014
Total Views: 15

Friday, March 21, 2014
southern ocean weather malaysia flight

No Trace Yet Found of Missing Malaysian Airliner

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) notes the search for the missing Malaysia airliner has concluded for the second day in a row.  No trace of the

March 21, 2014
Total Views: 3

Thursday, March 20, 2014
hoegh st. petersburg autoliners roro
Maritime News

Norwegian Car Carrier Searching Through Night for Jet Debris

The owner of a Norwegian car carrier said it planned to search through the night for two large objects sighted off Australia that could be debris from a

March 20, 2014
Total Views: 10


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