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Oil Spill

Stay updated on the latest Marine Pollution Incidents including oil spills, MARPOL, pollution and other types of potential marine environmental damage.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

U.S. sues BP and others over Gulf Oil Spill

Today, the U.S. Deptartment of Justice announced filing of a civil lawsuit against BP and several other companies involved in the Gulf Oil Spill, seeking

December 15, 2010
Total Views: 23

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Yahoo – ‘BP Oil Spill’ most queried term in 2010

What does it take to overcome Michael Jackson and Britney Spears from the top spot in Yahoo search queries? By MICHAEL LIEDTKE, AP Technology Writer Michael

December 8, 2010
Total Views: 27

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Oil Spill

Tests begin on Deepwater Horizon’s BOP, NAE releases interim report on causes of blowout

There is some news coming out today with regards to the the Deepwater Horizon blowout. First, forensic testing on the Deepwater Horizon’s blowout

November 17, 2010
Total Views: 368

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Oil Spill

Weekly Leader Podcast interviews Captain Alwyn Landry on the Deepwater Horizon Rescue

Recently, gCaptain’s own John Konrad hooked up with his old podcasting partner Peter Mellow of Sea-Fever to bring to us Weekly Leader podcast episode

October 14, 2010
Total Views: 35

Thursday, September 30, 2010
Lifesaving Incidents

Captain Landry Wins Shipmaster of the Year Award 2010

Here at, we are VERY happy to learn that Captain Alwin Landry has won the Lloyd’s List’s coveted Shipmaster of the Year Award 2010. 

September 30, 2010
Total Views: 177

Sunday, September 19, 2010
Oil Spill

The imminent death of the BP oil well?

I’ve seen a few headlines today that seem to portray the Macondo Well as some sort of living creature, like it’s still writhing and twitching as it

September 19, 2010
Total Views: 22

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Oil Spill

Justice Department May Sue BP Over Gulf Oil Spill

NEW ORLEANS, La. – The U.S Justice Department filed papers with the U.S. District Court in New Orleans Monday, September 13, indicating that they expect

September 15, 2010
Total Views: 10

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blowout Preventer Photos – Exclusive HiRes Images Of The Deepwater Horizon’s BOP

In a gCaptain exclusive, high resolution photographs where taken of the Deepwater Horizon’s Blow Out Preventer ( BOP ) stack as it sits now at

September 14, 2010
Total Views: 209

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fire On The Horizon – A New Book By gCaptain

We are proud to announce that gCaptain’s founder and editor in chief, John Konrad, got a book deal! The upcoming book titled Fire on the Horizon: The

September 13, 2010
Total Views: 17

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Failed Negative Pressure Test – a BP Investigation Report Analysis

In Section 4 of BP’s Investigation report on the Horizon disaster, they discuss the negative pressure test as a possible missed indication of a

September 10, 2010
Total Views: 9514

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Oil Spill

Deepwater Horizon’s BOP in hands of Justice Department; BP internal report due tomorrow

Just a few days ago, the Deepwater Horizon’s blowout preventer, an integral part of the ongoing investigation into Gulf oil spill, was successfully

September 7, 2010
Total Views: 42

Friday, August 20, 2010
Oil Spill

USCG Makes Positive Changes To Deepwater Horizon Hearings

gCaptain has been critical of the Deepwater Horizon Investigation panel in the past. From off-topic lines of question to verbal arguments between the Parties

August 20, 2010
Total Views: 35

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

After Another Close Call, Transocean Changed Rules – New York Times

This morning the New York Times published an article entitled After Another Close Call, Transocean Changed Rules that points to Transocean’s critical

August 17, 2010
Total Views: 33

Saturday, August 14, 2010

USCG Plans Dive Of The Deepwater Horizon Wreckage

Back in June gCaptain reported on James Cameron’s offer to dive the wreck of the Deepwater Horizon but, despite three official requests for information,

August 14, 2010
Total Views: 231

Friday, August 6, 2010
Oil Spill

Interesting Ships of The Week – Blue Dolphin and HOS Centerline

This weeks interesting ships are none other than the Blue Dolphin and HOS Centerline, the two vessels used to supply drilling mud to the Q4000 as part of the

August 6, 2010
Total Views: 87

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Oil Spill

What happened to all the oil? – Answered

Click HERE for high resolution graph In more news from the Gulf, a report released by an interagency team of scientists assembled by the National Incident

August 4, 2010
Total Views: 22

Oil Spill

BP: MC252 well reaches static condition

Image va BP A significant step has been made in the process to permanently stop the flow of oil from the blown out well in the Gulf.  Today, BP

August 4, 2010
Total Views: 21

Monday, July 26, 2010
Oil Spill

MARPOL Advisory – When Should You Spill Your Oil? (humor)

This crane contributed to the development of this instruction manual Before we go any further, please note: If you are anywhere in or near the US Gulf of

July 26, 2010
Total Views: 50

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Oil Spill

BP’s (not really) Top Secret Oil Spill Command Post

So, just how transparent is BP with online media? Today the third set of Deepwater Horizon hearings came to a conclusion when, unexpectedly, an e-mail message

July 24, 2010
Total Views: 48

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Oil Spill

Deepwater Horizon Hearings Postponed

The week started on Monday with numerous BP representatives not showing up to the Deepwater Investigation Hearings, listing continued injury and their 5th

July 21, 2010
Total Views: 14


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