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Centerm Expansion Project Port Vancouver. Photo courtesy Port of Vancouver

Photo courtesy Port of Vancouver

Foremen At BC Port Give DP World Canada 72-Hour Strike Notice

Total Views: 1276
July 6, 2024

By Layan Odeh

Jul 6, 2024(Bloomberg) –A union representing ship and dock foremen in British Columbia has issued a 72-hour strike notice against DP World Canada.

ILWU Ship & Dock Foremen Local 514 provided formal, written notice to its employer for action to start on July 8, the BC Maritime Employers Association said in a statement late Friday. 

The notice comes despite the Canada Industrial Relations Board commencing a hearing this week to address complaints between the association and the union, the association said. The hearing is scheduled to continue next month. 

In June, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union said that 99% of the 584 longshore foremen rejected the final offer from the employers association in a vote. 

DP World Canada put the union on notice in December that it would unilaterally introduce some automation at its rail intermodal yard at the Centerm port in Vancouver, Local 514 president Frank Morena said at the time. 

Another significant unresolved issue was improving retirement allowances and benefits, according to the union. 

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