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Do you have a story to tell?

John Konrad
Total Views: 84
January 7, 2008

Did you know that gCaptain accepts YOUR articles?

That’s right, regardless of whether you work as an Ordinary Seaman, Captain, Cadet or Cook we are looking for articles written by YOU our loyal readers. This has been a feature of gCaptain since the beginning but to get you motivated we are adding a twist. While supplies last the authors of all submissions posted to the front page of this blog will receive a free gCaptain t-shirt! While you can certainly buy a shirt from our schwag shop, this special edition version stamped “Blogging From The High Seas” is sure to attract attention.


Do I need to work on a ship to contribute?

No, we accept articles from all writers including those working shore-side in the maritime industry and those working in unrelated fields who simply enjoy ships.

I’m a sailor not a writer but I do have a good story, how can I contribute?

Don’t sell yourself short…. this is an internet blog, not the NY Times. If you’re simply concerned about spelling or grammar we can edit your submission. If your worried the article is not very good, send it anyway and let us decide… our rejection letters are very kindly written, we promise.

I’m still not sure about writing, how else can I contribute?

If you are a maritime photographer visit our Flickr profile and add us as a friend. If you would like to tell us your story the record it to mp3 and email it to our podcast address: podcast (@) or call our podcast comment line directly at (206) 973-7000.

I have great insider info can I keep my name off the headlines?

Yes, we accept anonymous tips, suggestions and incident photographs . Just email them to tips (@) or use our submission form. You can also use the “guest” feature and post it to our forum’s tips thread.

What does the free t-shit look like?

The shirt has a small anchor logo on the front and this design on the back:

Blogging From The High Seas

I can’t pass up such an offer, what else do I need to know?

Submissions should be between 200 and 800 words, include photos or video, and relate in some way to  ships. By submitting an article, photo or video you are giving gCaptain the right to publish it as we see fit and you have the legal right to do so. gCaptain retains the right to modify, edit or reject your submission as we see fit. Word documents and unlocked pdf files are the best means of submission.

If you are looking to sell a product or service this post is not for you. Instead view our rate-sheet or call us for advertising option: +1.800.673.9480

How do I get started?

Simply fill out this form or contact us with questions.

Submit An Article Now


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