WATCH: Cow Marked for Export Jumps Ship, Swims to Shore in Fremantle

WATCH: Cow Marked for Export Jumps Ship, Swims to Shore in Fremantle

Mike Schuler
Total Views: 134
November 16, 2016

A determined cow with an amazing will to live escaped a livestock ship and swam to freedom on Sunday in Fremantle, Western Australia.

The cow was apparently being loaded onto a livestock carrier for export when it escaped.

Fremantle Sea Rescue crews caught up to it swimming near a pier in Fremantle’s Inner Harbour and guided it to shore.

“Earlier today, rescue vessel R100 and rescue jet ski TAB1 tasked to the Fremantle Inner Harbour where a cow had entered the water, and was trapped under a jetty. Whilst waiting for a vet to assist rescue teams, the animal again entered the water near the Western Australian Maritime Museum where rescue jet ski TAB1 attempted to guide it to the nearest safe beach,” Fremantle Sea Rescue said on its Facebook page.

“The animal made its way to shore before running on land into the Fremantle town centre, where rangers and other agencies took over the recovery operation. Fremantle Sea Rescue crews will assist any life – human or animal – in danger within our oceans and waterways.”

Local authorities found the cow 24 hours later about 5 kilometers away.

Update: Saddened to report that the cow in this case has died. Wellard Group, which owns the cattle, put out a statement Thursday that the cow passed away in its sleep, local news is reporting.

“To protect the health and safety of the general public the steer was heavily sedated prior to its return to the quarantine facility, where it was monitored by a veterinarian,” the statement read.

“Unfortunately the steer did not recover from the combined effects of sedation and its physical exertion and passed away in its sleep.”


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