As the Coast Guard continues to support national efforts combatting COVID-19, the social distancing required to preserve readiness presents a prime opportunity to grow personally and professionally. The 2020 Coast Guard Professional Development List is based on recommendations from the more junior members of the USCG and provides some great suggestions for continual learning and growth during these difficult times. This year’s list covers a wide array of topics that have direct links to today’s Coast Guard including mental and physical health, military leadership, financial wellness, Coast Guard history, and many more thought-providing subjects.
The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday
“This book talks a lot about perception and perspective. Ryan Holiday talks about how opportunities can come out of sheer adversity, and how we as human beings tend to make bad habits when we face challenges. I believe it gives us tools to accomplish and manage our problems and attitude.” Recommended by: ET3 Nathan Heidenreich CGC Richard Dixon
“Why have history’s greatest minds – from George Washington to Frederick the Great to Ralph Waldo Emerson along with today’s top performers, from Super Bowl-winning football coaches to CEOs and celebrities – embraced the wisdom of the ancient Stoics? Because they realize that the most valuable wisdom is timeless and that philosophy is for living a better life, not a classroom exercise.”
Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin
“The author takes a look at the true grit of four United States Presidents (Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, and Lyndon B. Johnson). It is a powerful book that speaks to the adversity each president faced in their personal and professional lives, and how it equipped them to lead the country during trying times.” Recommended by: LTJG Pamela Manns Sector Sault Saint Marie
Not Your Father’s Coast Guard: The Untold Story of US Coast Guard Special Forces by Matthew Mitchell
Discusses an integral part of Coast Guard history and operations that is sometimes overlooked. Gives in depth knowledge and detail into the development of Coast Guard tactical law enforcement, defense operations, international relations and training as well as the relationships we built with other nations. This book will help expand Coast Guard knowledge and instill more pride in our service’s long blue line. Recommended by: 1/c Jared Mihalcik USCGA
Outside the Wire by Jason Kander
“In this book, the author describes his journey from Midwestern suburban kid to soldier to politician and details what he’s learned along the way. It is a practical guide from anyone thinking about public service and everyone wishing to make a difference.” Recommended by: LTJG Dan Rynard Sector Sault Saint Marie
One Bullet Away: The Making of a Marine Officer by Nathaniel Fick
“Wonderful study on being an emotionally intelligent junior officer, and a conscientious leader at the deck-plate level. The lessons throughout resonate across all branches of service, and extoll the basic tenets that provide a strong foundation for effective leadership.” Recommended by: 1/c Leah Schweigert-Opas USCGA
The Things they Carried by Tim O’Brien
“Classic book of short stories about the Vietnam War. Puts our own struggles and obstacles into perspective.” Recommended by: 1/c Owen Gibson USCGA
The Knowledge Illusion by Philip Pernbach and Steven Sloman
“The authors challenge how much we actually know about things. We take for granted how much we actually don’t know about how things work in a complex society and that the power of intelligence lies in a community.” Recommended by: LTJG Alexis Wilde PACAREA Office of Cutter Forces
Women’s Ways of Knowing – The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind by Mary Field Belenky, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule
I think this books starts a conversation that can be tip-toed around even in today’s modern society. The women’s movement has progressed in tenfold over the past several decades, however there are still specific instances and situations that have proven more progress needs to be made. Many women today still feel silenced in their home, school, or workplace; this book begins to dissect feminist analysis, public policy and even some political struggles witnessed in society. It encourages a new way of thinking beneficial for both men and women. Recommended by: ENS Kaley Underwood Sector Key West
Overcome: Crush Adversity with the Leadership Techniques of America’s Toughest Warriors by Jason Redman
“It’s not often I pick up a book I don’t want to put down and read from cover to cover. This is one of those books. Overcome is the book we all need to read to become better leaders, followers, men and women. It is a book about developing your mindset and shares the key to overcoming any adversity or life ambush in life starts in your mind and how you think. In the book, Redman teaches some life lessons he learned while being a NAVY SEAL and overcoming an ambush that left him significantly wounded while serving in Iraq.”
Recommended by: LTJG John Wayne Mullins (USCGR) MIFC LANT
Extreme Ownership: How U.S. Navy Seals Lead and Win by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin
“This is the best leadership book I’ve come across. It’s laid out in an engaging and usable manner—a highly readable #1NYT Best Seller. The lessons are easy to understand and to apply (each chapter is centered on a combat story), and they are equally relevant to all service members, recruit through admiral.” Recommended by: LTJG Meredith Overstreet (USCGR) Sector Long Island Sound
Warnings Unheeded: Twin Tragedies at Fairchild Air Force Base by Andy Brown & Massad Ayoob
“This book reveals why it is important for leaders not only to look after their people, but the consequences when commanders let personal relationships and prior perceptions get in the way of deficiencies in performance, and allow people to continue their negative habits until it is too late. Emphasizes why we have standards, and why they are enforced.” Recommended by: LT Michael Gonzales Air Station Atlantic City
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss what Matters Most
by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen
“Written by Harvard Law School faculty, the book introduces strategies, tools, and frameworks needed to manage difficult conversations effectively. The authors provide examples on how to approach a difficult conversation from a neutral standpoint. It’s a marvelous guide for dealing with organizational conflict, misunderstandings and to improve organizational communication overall.” Recommended by: LTJG Shirley Pilkey Civil Rights Directorate, Region 1, Zone 2
The Captain Class by Sam Walker
“Walker reveals some of the common characteristics exhibited by the team captains of the most successful, world-class sports teams in history. Although Walker discusses sports, the value of the lessons contained in this book apply to all team-leaders who are responsible for bringing various personalities together to achieve excellence.” Recommended by: BM2 Benjamin Lind Station New Haven
Radical Candor by Kim Scott
“Written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Taken from years of the author’s experience, and distilled clearly giving actionable lessons to the reader; it shows managers how to be successful while retaining their humanity, finding meaning in their job, and creating an environment where people both love their work and their colleagues.”
Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
“Ender’s Game is a science fiction story that contains lessons regarding wartime strategy, dealing with bullies or rivalries, friendship, and, most relevant to this recommendation, lessons on utilizing personnel differently depending on their own strengths and weaknesses.” Recommended by: MST2 Joshua Stewart Sector Long Island Sound
The Mission, The Men, and Me: Lessons from a Former Delta Force Commander by Pete Blaber
“Discussion surrounding prioritization of tasks, figuring out what is actually important, and what a leader’s responsibilities are when in difficult situations. The author discusses why flexibility and adaptability are vital when navigating issues, and how having a rigid approach to leadership can be detrimental to the big picture.” Recommended by: LT Peter Hutchison Station Fort Lauderdale
Widen the Window: Training Your Brain and Body to Thrive During Stress and Recover From Trauma by Elizabeth Stanley
“This book explains the connection between stress, trauma, and how our body and mind reacts to them. It also presents ways we can improve our ability to perform under stress and develop routines that allow for recovery. These techniques help “widen the window” where our thinking brain and survival brain can work effectively together during stressful and uncertain circumstances. Although this book is helpful for Coasties under normal circumstances in dealing with the day-to-day stressors of life, work, operations, and deployments, the additional stressor of the COVID-19 pandemic makes this book even more applicable to the physical and mental health and well-being of our workforce and their families.” Recommended by: LT George Shepherd Office of Maritime Security Response
The Last of the Tin Can Sailors by James D. Hornfischer
Nonfiction telling of The Battle Off Samar during WWII. While the combatants were Navy ships, the involved ships were similar in size to many Coast Guard Cutters. A gripping description of Naval warfare and life aboard small ships. Recommended by: 3/c Johnathan Kattnig USCGA
How to Measure Anything – Finding the value of “intangibles” in business by Douglas W. Hubbard
“Leadership decision making is best served when information clearly reduces the uncertainty factor. The premise of this book is that anything that has a tangible outcome in the real world can be measured. The author uses examples to show how using “calibrated” ranges instead of hard numbers for metrics of things previously considered “intangible”, uncertainty can be reduced to a point where the information has great value to decision makers.” Recommended by: Mr. David Bandel CG-671
Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday
“This is a truly incredible piece of writing full of authentic wisdom. The author covers many areas and provides historical details of people who exercised stillness in times of great turmoil, chaos, and despair. Examples include Winston Churchill during World War II, president JFK during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and more. This book really made me think about the fundamentals of true stillness and how beneficial it is not just for professional development, but mental and physical health as well. With all the COVID-19 turmoil and uncertainty, there is never a greater time than now to exercise stillness and composure to endure and overcome intense and difficult challenges.” Recommended by: LT Rafael Shamilov Pacific Strike Team
Salt Fat Acid Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cookingby Samin Nosrat
“A New York Times Bestseller, this cookbook is much more than just a collection of recipes. It is an engaging and funny course in learning the art of good cooking by focusing on four critical elements: Salt, fat, acid, and heat. Food52 called it “the first Joy of Cooking or How to Cook Everythingof the Google age.” The book has made cooking so much fun and helped me disconnect from a demanding staff assignment. If being able to roast a whole buttermilk chicken on my own doesn’t signify personal growth, I don’t know what does!”
Recommended by: LT Austin Fullmer Ninth District
The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
“Dispenses financial advice through a collection of parables set 8,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. The book remains in print almost a century after the parables were originally published, and is regarded as a classic of personal financial advice; as well as professional development.”
Recommended by: Ms. Lynne Armstrong Base Cape Cod
Multi-Media Content
The Jocko Podcast
Jocko Willink is a retired Navy SEAL Officer, author, and co-founder of Echelon Front. He is a leadership instructor, speaker, and executive coach. His podcast hosts guests from all over to include military officers, Medal of Honor recipients, and authors. The focus of these podcasts is mainly on leadership, hardship, and professional development. Recommended by: CS2 Nathan Rice CGC BISCAYNE BAY & 3/c Kurt HuebschmanUSCGA
The Moth
“PRX broadcasts recorded sessions of live Moth shows with the intent of promoting the art of storytelling. During a Moth event, normal people are invited to read or tell stories that they submitted. Each show has a theme, such as love, discovery, hardship, etc., with each story often taking a surprising twist on the theme. I believe they are all true stories (almost all of them , anyway, and any fiction would be disclosed before the story began) and are great glimpses into human existence.” Recommended by: SN Caroline Baity CGC EAGLE
Choose FI
“The Choose FI or Choose “Financial Independence”, is an excellent podcast that can help put all Coasties on better financial ground. 20-50 minute episodes are insightful and easy to understand. Run by two respectful guys that are entertaining to listen to. Website has access to lots of free tools to assist visitors. Re-introduced me to importance of budgeting. All around, just a great resource during uncertain times.” Recommended by: LT David Bourbeau USCGA Company Officer
How to Get People to Follow You
“Leadership discussion from Simon Sinek that breaks down what leadership is and the difference between leadership and authority, how to inspire others regardless of rank or position, how to lead with courage and ends on a unique perspective on millennials in the workplace and how to effectively empower and inspire the next generation on leaders within any organization.” Recommended by: MST2 Thomas Harp Marine Safety Team Hawaii
The SPAR Life “Started by Coast Guard Academy Wrestling Coaches Kevin Bratland and Dylan Foley, “The SPAR Life” is an all-encompassing approach to life – physically, mentally, and emotionally. The term SPAR life comes from the Coast Guard’s motto Semper Paratus,Always Ready. This podcast focuses on shaping a culture, fostering teamwork and relationships, and grappling with life’s adversities. Special guests of the show have included NCAA wrestling Hall of Fame coaches and athletes, junior officers in the Coast Guard fleet, and current cadets.” Recommended by: LT Lucas Taylor Air Station Atlantic City
Forget the Pecking Order at Work
“Great TED Talk that makes its listeners rethink what it means to be “productive” in the workplace. “Organizations are often run according to “the superchicken model,” where the value is placed on star employees who outperform others. And yet, this isn’t what drives the most high-achieving teams. Business leader Margaret Heffernan observes that it is social cohesion — built at every coffee break, every time one team member asks another for help — that leads over time to great results. It’s a radical rethink of what drives us to do our best work, and what it means to be a leader.” This is an interesting perspective, especially in a military environment, and can offer Coast Guard leaders new perspective of how to lead and produce great results. Recommended by: LT Patrick Frain Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance
The Global Leadership Summit
“It is enlightening to hear leadership from outside of the military mindset. Just some of the faculty’s areas of expertise include: Maximizing teams, Unlocking strengths, Accelerating innovation, Courageous leadership, Influence for the good, Productivity, Staying relevant, Communicating for success, Strength for the journey, Predicting performance, and many more! Get the quality leadership content from the Global Leadership Network anytime anywhere. Great lessons from professionals around the world for free on this podcast.” Recommended by: LTJG Matthew Asire Sector Ohio Valley
The Model Health Show
“This podcast uses evidence based science and experts in their field to address personal health and growth. Shawn does his research before speaking on a topic and has provided insight that has improved so many lives as his podcast ranks among the top health podcasts.” Recommended by: YN3 Heahter Everett Base National Capital Region
Work Life
“Psychologist, business professor, and author Adam Grant questions the assumption that work has to be unpleasant. He explores companies, professionals, and businesses that employ innovative and sometimes daring practices aimed at making the workplace better. The topics feature a spectrum of work topics from the “problem with all-stars” to “burnout is everyone’s problem.” Undoubtedly, each episode features something you can relate to and is a must listen for anyone who considers themselves a professional in any field.” Recommended by: LT James Martin CGC IBIS
Leading Through Change and Crisis “Practical advice and insights from seasoned leaders from the McChrystal Group. Examines how to rapidly define the internal/external operating environment to develop a prioritized plan that aligns your people to your strategy.” Recommended by: ENS James Eggers MSRT-West
Optimal Living Daily “This podcast is a daily reading from various blogs regarding personal development, minimalism, productivity, and more. Episodes are 5-10 minutes. Recommended by: LTJG Sarah Ritchie District Eight
Russia plans to significantly increase and modernize the firepower of its Arctic-based submarine fleet. Before the end of the decade three additional Borei-class nuclear submarines will join the country’s Northern Fleet, headquartered near Murmansk.
By Bloomberg News Mar 26, 2025 (Bloomberg) –President Xi Jinping is making China’s presence more felt across the Indo-Pacific region by testing US allies on sensitive issues, as Donald Trump’s attention...
South Korea has set up a "reciprocal" platform in a disputed area of the Yellow Sea, known in Seoul as the West Sea, where China has increasingly built structures, Oceans Minister Kang Do-hyung said on Wednesday.
11 hours ago
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