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Tuesday, October 22, 2013
rosneft nakhodka terminal

Rosneft to Supply 100 Million Tons of Crude to China

Oct. 22 (Bloomberg) — OAO Rosneft outlined a deal to supply China Petrochemical Corp., or Sinopec, 100 million metric tons of crude during 10 years as

October 22, 2013
Total Views: 11

Friday, June 21, 2013
eni rosneft

ENI and Rosneft Declare Commitment to Sustainable Arctic Offshore Development

At the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum today, Rosneft and Eni signed a Declaration on Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity for Oil and

June 21, 2013
Total Views: 8

vladimir putin

Rosneft Plans “Unprecendented” Oil Supply Contract with China

Russia's Rosneft has agreed to a $270 billion deal to double oil supplies to

June 21, 2013
Total Views: 13

Monday, March 4, 2013
exxonmobil rosneft

ExxonMobil Beats BP to the Arctic, Again

By Melissa Akin MOSCOW (Reuters) – BP, which lost its first deal to drill for oil in Russia’s Arctic to ExxonMobil, tried to negotiate a new deal

March 4, 2013
Total Views: 15

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Prirazlomnaya platform Gazprom

Gazprom Pushes Back Against Allowing Private Industry to Develop Russian Arctic Shelf

MOSCOW–The chief executive of Russia’s OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) said the state-owned natural gas monopoly doesn’t want the government to allow

January 15, 2013
Total Views: 5


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