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Russia Says It Repelled Ukrainian Attack On Black Sea Fleet Ship

A still image from a video, released by Russia's Defence Ministry, shows gunfire towards what it said to be the Ukrainian drone boat attacking the Russian warship Priazovye in the Black Sea in this image taken from handout footage released June 11, 2023. Russian Defence Ministry/Handout via REUTERS

Russia Says It Repelled Ukrainian Attack On Black Sea Fleet Ship

Total Views: 3631
June 11, 2023

(Bloomberg) –Russia’s Defense Ministry says it repelled an attack by Ukrainian speedboats on one of its Black Sea Naval vessels early on Sunday.

The Vishnya-class intelligence ship “Priazovye” was attacked at about 1:30 a.m. Moscow time, 300 kilometers (186 miles) southeast of Sevastopol in Crimea, the ministry said on its Telegram channel. 

The attacking boats, which Russia said were armed with machine guns and grenade launchers, were destroyed and there were no casualties or damage to the ship, it added. The report couldn’t be independently verified, and Ukraine hasn’t commented on the incident. 

A still image from a video, released by Russia’s Defence Ministry, shows what it said to be the Ukrainian drone boat attacking the Russian warship Priazovye in the Black Sea in this image taken from handout footage released June 11, 2023. Russian Defence Ministry/Handout via REUTERS

The Priazovye was monitoring the situation along the routes of the Turkish Stream and Blue Stream gas pipelines in the southeastern Black Sea, the ministry said. 

A strategic unmanned aerial vehicle RQ-4B “Global Hawk” of the US Air Force was performing reconnaissance in the central part of the Black Sea during the attack, according to Russia. 

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