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Maritime Monday 133

Total Views: 62
October 27, 2008

Welcome to this 133rd edition of Maritime Monday.

You can find Maritime Monday 83 here. (Published 5 November 2007)

You can find last week’s edition here.

You can find links to all the previous editions at the bottom of this post. You are encouraged to participate using the comment link/form at the bottom of the post. If you have photos or stories to tell, do email me at [email protected].


This Week’s Photos:

This week’s photos come from a hospital room in Manhattan overlooking the East River that my mother spent a couple days in while recovering from hip replacement surgery. The ‘million dollar view’ was apparently a good distraction.

Sewage Sludge Ship NORTH RIVER

Sludge Ship

Garbage Barge

Sand Barges

US Merchant Marine Academy’s TS KINGS POINTER


There was a lot more traffic, especially barges and pleasure craft, but these were the most interesting.  At the top of the pictures is the entrance to ‘Hell’s Gate.’ My mom has since been released to spend a week in therapy prior to going home.


This Week’s Items:

EagleSpeak has “Brit Navy gets some authority” to really fight pirates.

Also be sure to check out EagleSpeak‘s weekly series “Sunday Ship History: Desperate Victory

gCaptain has the news “Pilot Commission Finds Cosco Busan Pilot John Cota At Fault“. Be sure to also read and comment in the discussion in the comments.

gCaptain also has a reminder “Delta Queen Could be Seeing Its Final Days in Operation“. This ship and the jobs that it provides is going to die for no other reason than Congress’s refusal to permit it to sail on.

Barking Moonbat Early Warning system has a hell of a rumor concerning the formally hijacketed Iranian ship the MV DEYANAT that was suspected of carrying a suspicious cargo which might have resulted in the deaths of up to 20 pirates: “One Hell of a Rumor“.

A “ransom” of $250,000 was eventually paid by the U.S., the ship boarded by the Navy, her cargo secured and the crew interrogated and eventually released and the ship was moved, under her own power and with an American crew, to the Muscat port where the U.S. Navy has docking rights. Her manifest was entirely false. The ship was not going to Rotterdam and there was no “German businessman” to take charge of the fictional cargo.

The entire matter has been shut up and you will never see any mention of it in any mainstream media. The matter is now considered closed

Does anyone know where this ship is? Is anyone in Muscat? That is a pretty small port to hide anything.

Fiji Times has the unfortunate death of a Neptune Shipping employee by split peas in “Buried Alive“.

Helsingin Sanomat has “Brakes come on for transit traffic of cars through Finland to Russia” as orders for new cars dry up after already being shipped from Asia.

Tugboat Life has amazing video as it happens: “Massive Gantry Crane Accident – Jaxport” (Found via Kennebec Captain)

Tugboat Life also has a tugs-eye view video of “USS Intrepid’s farewell journey” with vhf communication between the tugs included.

Deep Water Writing has “It’s alot more fun” as he writes about encounters he is having with shore folk while on vacation from his ship. Yes, going to sea does  put a hardship on your personal life, not to mention the possibilities for havoc when it comes to dating and marriage. Not that anyone here needs be told this.

Bob Couttie’s Maritime Accident Casebook has “New Podcast – The Case Of The Church Bell“. Podcast and transcript here.

SAILORS, MARINERS & WARRIORS LEAGUE has “7 Arrested In UK Cruise Ship Bust“. The ship is the P&O ARCADIA and those arrested were passengers who were attempting to smuggle cocaine. Lots of it.

Hellenic Shipping News has a story that might actually get the UK population to accept fighting pirates off Africa: “Pirates threaten Christmas shopping“.

Tugster has photos of cargo that does not fit into containers, but still ends up loaded onto containerships.


Lloyd’s List Newsroom Blog covers substandard steel used for shipping in “Ticking timebomb“.

Steel shortages, we have been warned, are leading to an increase in the use of structurally-dangerous secondhand steel; with stories now legion of non-state Chinese yards falsifying quality certificates and the widespread use of low-quality steel products.

The Journal of Commerce has “APL slashes capacity on major trade lanes” as Pacific container volume decreases.

BarentsObserver has “Multipurpose sub for scrapping“. The sub is the Russian nuclear submarine K-480 “Bars”.

Never Sea Land has impressive video “Scenes from Sydney Harbor“. It looks like a model, but it really is video of Sydney Australia

Hawspiper has a run in with some bad and then good weather at sea.

Theo Spark has a sea bird who can’t read in “Pic of the Day“.

Freight Dawg has video discussing “Supply Chain Strategy: Developed by Market.” It is from a UK point of view.

The Pilot Boat has photos “WG Columbus, a new look…” It has the new-style viking bow.

Robin Storm – In Search of Severe Weather has “CG funds turbine impact on radar study“.


The Miami Herald has “Three Cuban workers get $80 million in slave-labor suit“.

Three Cuban men forced to work 16-hour shifts at 3 ½ cents an hour repairing ships for a Cuban joint venture in Curacao won an $80 million judgment Monday in U.S. federal court in Miami.

Alberto Justo Rodríguez, Fernando Alonso Hernández and Luis Alberto Casanova Toledo — Cuban nationals who now live in Tampa — sued the Curacao Drydock Co., alleging the company conspired with the Cuban government to force them into virtual slave labor.

Lawyers called the deal a ”Faustian bargain” hatched so the Cuban government could pay off its debt with Curacao Drydock by providing free labor, and at the same time skirt the U.S. embargo by working on American ships in a third country.

AN UNOFFICIAL COAST GUARD BLOG has “The Coast Guard Image: Money Matters” looking at where the US Coast Guard fits into the 2009 National Budget.

The Independent has “Beware of rich men sailing big yachts“.

Shirlaw News Group has “Coastguard emergency towing vessel takes Russian timber carrier under tow“. The ship is the ‘MEKAHNIK SEMAKOV.

MarineBuzz has “Sri Lanka Navy Foils Sea Borne Terrorist Attacks on Merchant Ships” and “Biggest Solar Powered Boat: PlanetSolar to Circumnavigate in 2010“.

Ice News has “Norway’s famed Hurtigruten shipping line in distress“.

Sea * Fever has Richard Branson’s failed attempt to break the trans-Atlantic sailing speed record in “Virgin Money Bail Out“.

Steeljaw Scribe has “Russian Navy Out of Sevastopol by 2017?

Maritime Compass has the story of a Chinese Junk that has made it to the US from China under sail as part of an attempt to do the first round trip of the Pacific under sail by a junk ‘since the Free China who crossed the Pacific 50 years ago never made it back’: “Princess TaiPing

Molten Eagle has “Private Submarine is Strange” looking at a man who has home-built his own deep-dive submarine. Go and read the post and definitely watch the trailer for a documentary being made of his ‘adventure’. Would you take a dive in his sub?

USCG Pacific Northwest has “Little LORAN Station on the prairie” covering the US Coast Guard LORAN Station, located in Montana of all places.

The October Edition of MarineLog is now available online.

Wired has “Carbon Trading Won’t Save Aviation and Shipping“.

“They can’t trade their way out of this problem,” Bows told the 150 climate experts at the conference, according to the Guardian. “At current rates of growth, they will be consuming a significant proportion of the world’s carbon budget by 2050. It will be way more than their fair share and an amount that simply can’t be traded away.”

They will make transport so expensive that the world’s poor won’t be able to afford travel. Not only that, but if you can go to war for territory, oil and ideology, why not over carbon? Any item in short supply will do as a reason.

Her Captain’s Voice has news on India’s Russian aircraft carrier in “Vikramadithya, here it comes“.

THE PRIVATE ISLANDS BLOG has “Bear Grylls’ Private Island“.

BitterEnd covers a “Great AIS Site“.

Christiaan Conover has a photo proving that Mass Maritime Academy went through with renaming their training ship in “Photo of the Week #12“.

To put the MMA naming honor in perspective, The Maritime Executive had posted in June: “OPINION: Massachusetts Maritime Academy Graduates Get Watery and Confusing Sendoff ” and in August “Tempest in a Teapot: Mass. Maritime Moves to Change Name of Training Ship“.

From June: Indeed, Kennedy has been a friend to the Academy in more ways than one. Absent his help on Capitol Hill, it is certain that MMA’s current training ship would not be nearly as good a platform for the development of the next generation of America’s future commercial mariners. On the other side of the aisle, they call it pork. At the Academy, he is hailed as the guy who got the job done. Beyond this, Kennedy has for years extended the honor of crewing his private sloop to Academy cadets. The tradition has cemented an unlikely relationship between a privileged and powerful family and the sons and daughters of the middle and working classes.

As the class of 2006 drove off into the rain, the voting record of the Massachusetts Democrat follows them into the workplace. Against drilling in Alaska, LNG marine terminals in New England, nuclear energy and, apparently, alternative (renewable) wind energy – at least where it affects his recreational view – Kennedy has limited MMA graduates for years as they pursued sustainable employment.

Trade and Logistics Malaysia has “More shipping lines to switch to Malaysia within the next decade“.

Master of Towing Vessels Association Forum has “Direct Supervision: it means exactly what it says.

A question I’ve been asked many times over the last five years has been “What do they mean by ‘direct supervision’? Does that mean I can’t even make a head call or get a snack?”. This is in reference to the relationship between an apprentice mate / steersman and a master, mate or pilot of towing vessels, and how they may be used in a watch standing role.

Information Dissemination has “Shipbuilding Again – Over There” looking at shipbuilding problems for the UK’s Royal Navy which might also cost the US in terms of support, if their ships aren’t there at the end of the day. has “Stirling & Son build a yawl for HMS Victory“.

Break Bulk has “Carving a green niche” as a business is born recycling dunnage from breakbulk ships.

National Post has “Nearly one month later, no progress on freeing Ukrainian ship hijacked off Somalia“. This is about the MV FAINA, which was captured while carrying a cargo of tanks and heavy weaponry.

The New York Post has “CITY ROCKS THE BOAT ON DOCK SQUATTERS – MARINA FAMILY FIGHTS EVICT“. They have been there for 18 years and paying their bills. Just another example of Government picking on the little guy.

English Russia has “Russian Polar Submarines 2“.

Neptunus Lex remembers ‘the largest naval battle ever fought by tonnage afloat, tonnage sunk and area of operations.’ It was fought on 25 October, 1944 in the Pacific.

Greenpeace covers the “Symposium for Sustainable Sushi” held this last week in Tokyo.

Drilling Contractor has “BP makes deepwater discoveries offshore Angola, Gulf of Mexico“.

The Los Angeles Times has “Migrating Alaskan pollock are creating the potential for a new dispute with Russia“.

Pollock and other fish in the Bering Sea are moving to higher latitudes as winter ice retreats and water temperatures rise. – Alaskan pollock are becoming Russian pollock, swimming across an international boundary in search of food and setting off what could become a geopolitical dispute.

The Horse’s Mouth has a huge wave in “Surfing Photo Of The Day.

Mr. Boat Blog has video “Do NOT Kayak on the Stairs.


Haight’s Maritime Items has:

UK – MCA rescues Captain Calamity – twice – The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) issued a press notice stating that it is, for the second time in three days, responding to a distress call from the owner-operator of a trimaran. On October 19, the MCA responded to a call from the owner-operator stating that he was lost at sea in the vicinity of Burnham-on-Sea. After the vessel was located and towed into port, it was discovered that there were no lifejackets, flares, charts, or VHF radios on board. The trimaran got underway again. On October 21, the MCA received a call that the vessel was aground off Burnham-on-Sea. (10/21/08). – Dennis Bryant Holland & Knight homepage (Used with Permission)


MARAD – RADM Worley selected as USMMA Superintendent – The Maritime Administrator, Sean Connaughton, announced the selection of Rear Admiral Allen Worley, USN (ret) as Superintendent of the US Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. RADM Worley is currently serving as Superintendent of the Texas Maritime Academy in Galveston. (10/21/08). – Dennis Bryant Holland & Knight homepage (Used with Permission)

Fairplay Daily News has:

Fake tug captain faces jail – A US tug “captain” now faces up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines after his employer – and the USCG – discovered he was working with a forged licence. Mark D Millien, a 45-year-old resident of Louisiana, pleaded guilty last week to a one count indictment for “using an altered, changed, forged and/or counterfeit United States Coast Guard license to gain employment as a captain of a vessel.” US Attorney Jim Letten says the man was indicted on 28 March and will be sentenced on 21 January 2009. According to court documents, Millien had been issued a master’s licence to operate uninspected towing vessels on US western rivers in 2000 but subsequently had that licence revoked in 2005 for undisclosed reasons. The man then applied to the KC Boat Company in Marrero for a job as tug captain and presented what appeared to be a valid master’s ticket. He was hired and worked as a captain for 227 days before the company sought to verify the merchant mariner’s licence – and found it was false. – Fairplay Homepage (Used with Permission)


Sunken barge ‘had no master’ – THE HELMSMAN who steered the tug Mel Oliver and its oil-laden barge into the path of a tanker on 23 July told a hearing that he routinely operated the vessel without a master aboard – and his employers knew it.

John Paul Bavaret II, a licensed apprentice, said yesterday that the collision – which caused a massive oil spill that closed the Mississippi River for days – happened because he was distracted by a malfunctioning radar unit. Once he become aware that the downriver bound tanker Tintomar was bearing down on his vessel, he told the USCG hearing officer that the tug’s steering jammed and he was unable to change course.

In his testimony, Bavaret said that his employer DRD Towing had been piloting the tug solo for months. On the day of the event, he said he was unsupervised because his captain was off vessel and hundreds of miles away tending to a personal matter.

The resultant spill of 1,400 tonnes of No. 6 fuel oil closed the river from New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico for six days. – Fairplay Homepage (Used with Permission)


Submissions for future editions:

Please submit articles for inclusion in next week’s edition using the following submit form at Blog Carnival. You are also welcome to email stories and photos to [email protected] for inclusion in future editions as well as suggest areas of coverage.


Previous Editions: As linked below or click on the tag ‘Maritime Monday’ for all gCaptain editions.

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