Maritime Monday 108
The following is posted by Fred Fry:
Welcome to this 108th edition of Maritime Monday.
You can find Maritime Monday 58 here. (Published 07 May 2007)
You can find last week’s edition here.
You can find links to all the previous editions at the bottom of this post. You are encouraged to participate using the comment link/form at the bottom of the post. If you have photos or stories to tell, do email me at [email protected]
This Week’s Photos:
This week’s photos come from the website of Norway’s Viken Shipping AS:
Viken Shipping AS is a privately owned Norwegian limited company with its headquarter located in Bergen, Norway.
The company was established in 1993 by Tom C. Steckmest, who together with his immidiate family is the majority shareholder.
Viken Shipping AS is the ultimate holding company in the Viken Shipping Group.
The Group is currently engaged in shipowning, shipmanagement and -agency, and in real estate investments. – Link
Bulk Carrier M/V DAVIKEN
Their homepage can be found here where you can also view their fleet list which has more photos.
This Week’s Items:
EagleSpeak has “9th Circuit upholds piracy conviction” in which the US has taken responsibility under US law to prosecute this case even though it happened on a foreign ship in international waters. Also be sure to go to Eagle‘s homepage and scroll through the numerous posts over the last week covering all sorts of recent pirate activity.
Chaotic Synaptic Activity has “A Date with Destiny – Part VII“. which he explained to me as being ‘about the USS BONEFISH (SS-582) fire 20 years ago today, I consider it a ‘special edition’ post for the week, plus, it’s a fantastic story of danger, courage and professionalism.’
gCaptain has “Titanic Response” investigating the error chain and other variations. It is amazing how small actions and minor mistakes can get greatly magnified over a short period of time. Of course, there is lots of other stuff posted, so go to the homepage and scroll through the posts. Otherwise, at the very least, you might miss some great photos such as this one.
International Herald Tribune has “2 ferries lightly collide in Greek port of Piraeus; no injuries“.
The Aeolos Kenteris was returning from a trial run without passengers, while the Rodanthi had 112 passengers on board and had been due to sail for the Cyclades islands.
I guess practice makes perfect. But it is better to limit collisions to the confines of the bridge simulator.
The News (Pakistan) has “Greek coastguard rescues migrants in Aegean Sea“. The Greek Coast Guard appears to be getting better. This story has no claims of torture, dumping of the migrants in Turkish territory, or throwing them into the sea as in past incidents.
Telegraph (UK) has “Wrecked cargo ship Napoli had ‘design flaw’“.
Maritime Accident Casebook analyzes the accident report which complimented the Captain and crew on their professionalism when it came to safety in “Praiseworthy MSC Napoli Crew Knew The Drill“. More on the MSC NAPOLI at gCaptain here “MSC Napoli Design Flaw. Is Your Ship Effected?“.
Evening Star 24 (Felixstowe, UK) has “Search still on for huge bomb“. They lost a WWII-era 1000 pound bomb as it rolled off the beach.
The Canadian Press has “Tanker’s former chief officer fined $20,000 after fatal flash fire in N.L.“. The ship was the MV KOMETIK. CBC News has coverage of the accident which appears to be the result of carelessness for failing to check that the space being worked on was gas free. Unfortunately for the victims, this is an area that requires 100% compliance in order to avoid an accident.
The National Terror Alert – Response Center has “Al-Qaeda Pirates Target UK Ships – Attacks Increasing“. This is understandable given the story that the UK Foreign Office came out against capturing pirates. Whether the story is true or not is debatable, but still, the UK has not gone out and caught any pirates lately to disprove the story.
Houston Ship Pilot and Photographer OneEighteen has a great time-lapse video of an outbound trip in “500 Knots on the Houston Ship Channel“. One thing I find amazing is the number of ships he passes along the way. (In other words, Houston appears to be a busy port.)
Shipping Times has the news of a fire on the Moroccan ferry LE RIF.
MarineBuzz has “Earthrace is Ready to Circumnavigate the Globe on Biodiesel” and “Fish Barcode of Life Initiative (FISH-BOL) to Create DNA List of All Fish Species“.
Sea * Fever has video of all three currently running maritime reality shows in “At Sea Reality TV“. The shows are Deadliest Catch, America’s Port and Carrier. (All mentioned here before.) So go check out the video and links to the relevant websites. The only one I am not watching at the moment is Carrier, as there would be no time to finish up Maritime Monday if I did. I might just have to wait for the DVD, which is available as of 1 May.
CGBlog has “Highlights of H.R. 2830: The FY 2008 Coast Guard Authorization Act“.
Energy Business Review has another screw-up for the ‘green’ movement in “German industry finds offshore wind energy targets unrealistic“. (Found at IMC Brokers)
IMC Brokers has a photo of an offshore windmill at the Kentish Flats wind farm.
CDR Salamander has an update on the mess that is US Navy Shipbuilding.
International Herald Tribune has “German bank gets impound order for Chinese ship’s Zimbabwe-bound cargo“.
AFP has “US asks China to pull back arms shipment to Zimbabwe“.
IPS News has a possible violation in Norwegian law in “Norwegian Hand in Arms Ship” as the ship is partly insured by a Norwegian group, and they are not amused.
Foreign Policy has “China-Zimbabwe arms deal: If not by sea, then by air?“.
OPFOR has “Pirates and Oil“.
The Destroyermen notes success in a different anti-pirate initiative in “Malacca News Shows Potential of Maritime Strategy“.
Cruise Bruise has news in “Crew Member Sues Cruise Line For Injury During Pirate Attack“. The Ship was the SEABOURN SPIRIT which was attacked off Somalia.
Molten Eagle has “Belly Dancing – Sub Transport Ultrastealth“.
Lloyd’s List has “Record profits for Japan’s big three“.
Lloyd’s List Newsroom Blog has “Jones Act iniquities“. Yes, well I wonder how excited European firms would be to trade in the US under US labor laws. On the flip side, I often hear a requirement by vessel operators that ships be flagged somewhere in the EU because they will be trading inside the community.
BitterEnd has an abandon ship story that just can’t be true, but just might be. At any rate, it is a must-read: “Boat fire escape straight out of The Twilight Zone“.
Tims Times has “The Lifeboat Drill“. It went as lifeboat drills often go, badly. At least this time nobody got hurt, other than a bunch of egos.
The Age (Australia) has “‘Floating nursing homes’ anchor cruise business“.
The Astute Bloggers has “German researchers find that the Antarctic is getting colder!“. has a profile of the Norwegian Oil Company StatoilHydro in “Under the Sea“. (See Maritime Monday 36 for the LNG Carrier ARCTIC PRINCESS and interactive animation of the LNG Process from the seabed to the LNG Tanker at their Snøhvit LNG Project. Also see Maritime Monday 99 for photos of the first US discharge of LNG from the Snøhvit project.)
StatoilHydro Plant | Infographic by Don Foley – Link
Homeboy Media News has “Greece against capital tax on shipping firms“. Surely this is part of their plan to attract shipping firms from the UK. has “Two African stowaways found dead on ship in Canary Islands“. The ship was the British MS ROSA DELMAS.
The Age also has “Indonesian fears over US Navy laboratory“.
The Standard (Canada) has “Future of ill-fated Windoc still unknown; Ship had bridge lowered on it“. Don’t remember the WINDOC accident? Go see gCaptain’s post “Windoc Incident – Story Behind YouTube’s Most Chilling Video“.
The Horse’s Mouth has great short video that illustrates the title chosen for the post: “Respect The Sea.” Great Bridge windows.
Hellenic Shipping News has “China’s VLCC capacity may soon top its needs“.
SAILORS, MARINERS & WARRIORS LEAGUE has “Commander Of Legendary Ship Exodus Dies At 90“.
Jones Act Lawyer has “Matteson Marine Service faces Jones Act lawsuit“.
Ship Images has photos as “Cunard’s three Queens meet in Southampton“.
Hengineer has VERTREP photos in “Delivering Cargo to USS Bulkley“. As the photos illustrate, there is little room for error.
Robin Storm has “First international ship of the year arrives at Port of Indiana“.
The Monitor covers an issue with the ‘universal fit survival suit‘.
Blogging Nova Scotia has a dispute between the US and Canada over the Head Harbour Passage which Canada claims belongs to them but the US claims is international waters. It was not an issue until someone suggested building a LNG terminal in Maine.
The Ellsworth American has first place for Maine Maritime Academy at a recent US Naval Academy Regatta.
PremeirCruise has some recruitment details from the early 1800’s in “As for the American merchant marine, it was full of British seamen“.
The New Unschooler has an explanation and photos of the Moeraki Boulders which were ‘formed in ancient sea floor sediments’.
TreeSouls has more than you would ever want to know about seagrass and seagrass in India.
Telegraph (UK) has “Japan to plant coral island in the Pacific“.
The Georgia Sea Turtle Center has the amazing track of a sea turtle who has navigated back to the spot where it spent a couple months recuperating after being released in Florida. It was originally found in Florida and was driven to Georgia, leaving scientists in wonder as to it’s journey back by sea. Go see the track of his trip.
The Wall Street Journal has bad news for yacht flippers in “Yacht Prices Sinking Fast“.
Freight Dawg has video summarizing “International Shipping and Global Commerce“.
WebUrbanist has “Creatively Converted Sea Forts of Great Britain: Strange Adaptive Reuse of Military Architecture“. gCaptain also just covered sea forts here.
Mr. Boat Blog has “Flying Boat A Hit With Drug Smugglers.“
blue water: news of my escape has a new term for measuring the amount of bad tubes in a ship’s boiler. (Found at Kennebec Captain)
Kennebec Captain has “Calculate your Ships Carbon Emissions“
Making Waves (Greenpeace) has video showing how they terrorized the European Seafood Expo in Brussels, targeting and closing down five of the largest tuna suppliers in “Tuna trading CLOSED!“.
The Really Sarcastic Weasel has “How To Survive At Sea (Ish Willing)” which is a summary for those who are going to a merchant ship for the first time.
As a compliment to the link above, BitterEnd also has posted a video report done by an engaging female presenter: “Nautical Terms: Three Sheets to the Wind“.
The BBC has “Europe launches sat-nav tester” as the EU races to save their GPS project. Yawn.
Tugster has photos of the TORM FREYA.
Never Sea Land is one year old. Congratulations!
Iggy Uncensored has a photo of shipping containers on a barge in Seattle being used for waterborne advertising.
Haight’s Maritime Items has:
Galileo – public funding debated and deployment phase approved – The European Parliament issued a news release stating that the topic of public funding for the Galileo satellite radio-navigation system was discussed. The US-operated GPS was found to have short-comings, including a mediocre and varying degree of accuracy and no guarantees or liability in the event of an accident caused by GPS error. A second news release states that the Parliament gave its backing to Galileo’s deployment phase, with the goal of the system becoming operational by 2013. (4/23/08). – Dennis Bryant Holland & Knight homepage (Used with Permission)
Fairplay Daily News has:
Shipping defies its green critics – SHIPPING has much less impact on the environment than other forms of transport, according to Spyros Polemis, chairman of the International Chamber of Shipping.
“Nevertheless, the fact that we carry out 90% of world trade means that, when measured in total, our impact on the environment is not insignificant,” he told a Det Norske Veritas seminar in London.
Polemis, noting that shipping contributes about 3-4 % of total greenhouse gas emissions, said: “I want to correct a false impression. The shipping industry has not been idle. There is still a tremendous amount of work to be done, but improvements that have been made in air emissions from shipping have been quite significant, mainly through technical innovation in engines and hull design.”
Referring to the revision of MARPOL Annex VI, which regulates air pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen oxides, he said the move had confounded sceptics who doubted that the IMO could rise to the challenge of delivering a unanimous vote for more stringent standards. The revision has reached its final stages; a decision is expected in October.
Polemis warned that costs could be a problem for the industry: “It will also be important for governments to take steps to ensure that shortsea shipping does not become less competitive in comparison to other transport modes, which are less environmentally friendly – particularly in regard to CO2 emissions.” – Fairplay Homepage (Used with Permission)
The explanation why this is posted can be found by clicking on the photo of the lions in the container. Another photo and a warning can be found at Maritime Monday 5.
Submissions for future editions:
Please submit articles for inclusion in next week’s edition using the following submit form at Blog Carnival. You are also welcome to email stories and photos to [email protected] for inclusion in future editions as well as suggest areas of coverage.
Previous Editions: As linked below or click on the tag ‘Maritime Monday’ for all gCaptain editions.
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