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Canada Lists Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Entity

FILE PHOTO: Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards participate in a military parade to commemorate the anniversary of the start of the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, in Tehran September 21, 2008. REUTERS/Caren Firouz (IRAN)/File Photo

Canada Lists Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a Terrorist Entity

Mike Schuler
Total Views: 797
June 19, 2024

The Canadian Government has officially designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

The government siad the decision is backed by substantial evidence suggesting the IRGC’s involvement in terrorism-related activities.

The announcement was made on Wednesday by the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs. He said that the Iranian government has shown a consistent disregard for human rights and has been acting against the international rules-based order.

“Our government is committed to promoting human rights and will take strong action against those who aim to disrupt our way of life, both in Canada and globally,” said LeBlanc.

The government said the listing of the IRGC sends a clear message that Canada is prepared to counteract the terrorist activities of the IRGC, which it has undertaken both independently and in collaboration with other listed terrorist entities such as Hizballah and Hamas.

As a consequence of this listing, the IRGC is officially defined as a “terrorist group” under Canada’s Criminal Code, effectively immediately. This implies that all Canadian financial institutions are legally required to freeze the group’s assets immediately. Moreover, it is a criminal offence for anyone in Canada or Canadian citizens abroad to knowingly engage with property owned or controlled by a terrorist group.

The expected listing will assist Canadian agencies in combating terrorism by easing the process of charging perpetrators and supporters, and preventing sympathizers from aiding terrorist groups within Canada..

In November 2022, Canada took a strong stand by designating the Islamic Republic of Iran as a regime involved in terrorism and grave human rights violations. As a result, many senior Iranian government officials, including top IRGC members, are barred from entry into Canada.

Since October 2022, Canada has imposed 18 rounds of sanctions targeting individuals and entities involved in gross violations of human rights and threats to international peace and security.

Iran destabilizes the region through its “Axis of Resistance,” a network of aligned armed groups, by providing them with funding, arms, and training, the provides Iran a security buffer against adversary states. Additionally, Iran’s development of missile capabilities and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), including their export to support Russia’s unlawful war on Ukraine, has contributed to global destabilization. Iran’s support for the Houthis has led to international shipping being targeted, causing worldwide trade disruptions.

Since 2012, Canada has listed the IRGC’s Qods Force as a terrorist entity. The Qods Force is responsible for Iran’s extraterritorial operations, which include orchestrating, facilitating or supporting numerous terrorist acts in the region.


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